The Impact of Tourism on Subjective Quality of Life among Hungarian Population




turizmus, életminőség, boldogság, jólét, jóllét


Nowadays the clarification of the issues concerning subjective QoL enjoys a priority both in the dialogue between academic workshops and in political quarters responsible for the general state of society. The researchers – let them be the representatives of philosophy, psychology, sociology, geography or economics – are keen on finding the paths towards the sources of happiness, the ways to achieve subjective well-being, whilst the politicians are eager to trace what could be done in this sense by the power. There has been a wealth of literature on the relationship between the achievement of overall life satisfaction and sustainability of political power, notwithstanding only minor emphasis was put on the travel- ling behaviour of population as a factor of QoL and, consequently, of happiness. The governments of bourgeois democracies tend to cherish the sources of happiness stemming from leisure time spending – driven not so much by the desire to extend their power in time, rather prompted by moral responsibility for the well-being of society. Writings on the ways how policies might promote leisure time spending with travelling are many, but it is hardly known how these efforts have been able to influence subjective QoL.

National Tourism Development Strategy (2005-2013) attributes paramount importance to travelling of Hungarian population as one of the means to increase QoL – an effort unique even in international comparison. To attain the objectives formulated in this document, and in order to yield a profit for the society, the Tourism Unit of Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, together with National Tourism Board and Geographical Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences had requested Central Office of Statistics to perform a survey on the happiness marker related to travelling behaviour of the country' s population. This survey by questionnaires conducted in 11.5 thousand households in the year 2007 has surfaced relationships between tourism and QoL hardly acknowledged so far.

Putting the results of the survey considered representative with reference to the adult popu- lation of Hungary in the context of Hungarian and international literature, the present study provides an assessment of tables of the data referring to the different variables. A special emphasis is addressed to the general linkage between travels and overall life satisfaction and to the components of happiness offered by travelling.

Author Biographies

Gábor Michalkó , MTA Földrajztudományi Kutatóintézet, Budapest

tudományos főmunkatárs

Kornélia Kiss , Magyar Turizmus Zrt. Kutatási Csoport, Budapest


Balázs Kovács , Önkormányzati és Területfejlesztési Minisztérium Turisztikai Szakállamtitkárság, Budapest





How to Cite

Michalkó, G., Kiss, K. and Kovács, B. (2009) “The Impact of Tourism on Subjective Quality of Life among Hungarian Population”, Tér és Társadalom, 23(1), pp. 1–17. doi: 10.17649/TET.23.1.1213.




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