The Space Ruled by Globalisation and Metropolises II




világvárosok, globális városok, közlekedés, infokommunikáció


In the second part of the study the author analyses three specific "soft" factor groups from the metropolitan fields of activity. Among that connected to the knowledge economy (based on R+D expenditures, institutions, spread of innovation, adaptation of innovative products etc.) the evaluation of innovation level and research/higher education was managed. The second factor group contents the world famous religious, cultural and sport events, which preassume well-developed (urban) infrastructure and move large masses. Among them religious centres and "boly towns" visited by millions of the congregation generate the largest traffic. In contradiction to religious roles, which only rarely link to metropolises, cultural events often connects to metropolises, and the scene of Olympic Games and world championships are mostly cities with more million inhabitants. The metropolis character is more and more expressed by grandiose building of planned office-cities referring to the presence of large multinational companies.

In the last part of the study on the base of quite a few of his complex analyses the author tried to categorise the metropolises/international cities in a more detailed way and with the different aspects to the so far knowledge.

Author Biography

Ferenc Erdősi , MTA RKK Nyugat-magyarországi Tudományos Intézet

tudományos tanácsadó




How to Cite

Erdősi, F. (2003) “The Space Ruled by Globalisation and Metropolises II”, Tér és Társadalom, 17(4), pp. 1–16. doi: 10.17649/TET.17.4.912.




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