The Competitiveness of Regions and Economic Players: Do Parallels Meet?




regionális fejlődés, versenyképesség, képességközpontú régiófejlesztés


In the midst of the new world economic circumstances the stressing of the paralleliem and common roots of firm competitiveness and regional development and the accentuated management of the market powers and economic considerations can become more and more important in regional models. Compared to the ex post category of economic performance, certain ex ante categories are upvalued with special regard to the long term – at the same time parallel – requirement of company and regional competitiveness. From these, those skills and capabilitíes rooted in the spatial socio-economic-cultural milieu can get key position, the bringing out and continuous renewing of which can be the background of the innovation activity and the determinant of the regional and company competitiveness. The identification of these skills and capabilities can give thorough interpretation to the differences of the regions' development map to the special and successful economy of the "foregoer" regions' enterprise concentration (was explained only with the geographical closeness yet). From the other hand the special, individual or peculiarly substantial existence of these can be that resource, which can guarantee the strategic difference and the strategic flexibility of the enterprises operate in the region.

Author Biography

István Palkovits, BDF Gazdasági Tanszék

főiskolai adjunktus




How to Cite

Palkovits, I. (2002) “The Competitiveness of Regions and Economic Players: Do Parallels Meet?”, Tér és Társadalom, 16(2), pp. 81–96. doi: 10.17649/TET.16.2.850.


