Creative Micro-regions in Hungary


  • Imola Rittgasszer SZTE GTK Közgazdaságtani Doktori Iskola, Szeged



kreatív osztály, tudásalapú gazdaság, kistérségek, területi elemzés


Today the economic environment is influenced and transformed by other background pro-cesses besides globalisation, which worth being and have to be paid attention to as area organiser powers. Nowadays the development of globalisation processes unambiguously shows that human factors and the knowledge based on it may become the future key factors to development. We live in a world where knowledge, human creativity and the ability to pro-cess infinite information are also one of the prime movers of development.

This study aims to analyse how Hungarian micro-regions can be classified according to the position of the creative class. The starting question is whether the micro-regions as regional units are suitable to examine the spatial position of the creative class. Further basic questions are what sort of connection there is between the position of the creative class and income formation and whether the creative class is really concentrated in urban areas.

In the analysis of the Hungarian micro-regions I take Richard Florida's study dealing with the creative class as a starting point. I examine the database and its indexes developed for Hungarian micro-regions with multivariable statistical analysis.

Author Biography

Imola Rittgasszer , SZTE GTK Közgazdaságtani Doktori Iskola, Szeged

PhD hallgató




How to Cite

Rittgasszer, I. (2009) “Creative Micro-regions in Hungary”, Tér és Társadalom, 23(4), pp. 27–44. doi: 10.17649/TET.23.4.1274.


