Transborder Commuting on the Slovakian–Hungarian Border Region




ingázás, határ, munkaügyi körzet, munkaerőpiac


Our study examines the cross-border commuting. The study wants to divide it from com- muting within the state and from the intemational labour migration as well. The examination shall include the impact on local labour market and then the ongoing processes in Slovakian- Hungarian border region shall be represented according to empirical data.

The transborder commuting has a 30 years old tradition on the Slovakian–Hungarian border region. Both countries have been an EU-member since 2004, and this new situation can help make the organisation of transborder economic contacts easier. Due to the very good geo- graphical position of this region, multinational companies, such as Philips, Siemens, IBM, Nokia etc. are already seizing on the opportunities of the transborder region, and are expand- ing in this region. There is a growing automotive cluster in Hungary (Audi, Suzuki), in Slo- vakia (VW, Peugeot, Citroan). The growing region needs labour force. The differences in the earnings and in the possibility of works make an always stronger commuting between the border areas.

In Hungary, for Győr-Moson-Sopron and Komárom-Esztergom counties, the nearby Hun- garian-inhabited areas in Slovakia are important sources of labour force for the industrial branches serving economic boom, also, subcontractors are oflen found there (e. g. cleaning businesses etc.).

In this paper we would like to present an empirical research (2008) in this topic. In our research we asked the commuters in a questionnaire about the changes of their life, decisions, work-place etc. We have made interweaves with employers, employment agencies etc. We examine the de- velopment of the number of commuters in the last decade, the motivation of workers and em- ployer, and the change of the labour market under the effect of the growing flows and we would like show the effects, that this flows make in the economy of border regions.

Author Biographies

Tamás Hardi , MTA RKK NYUTI, Győr

tudományos munkatárs

Zsuzsanna Lampl , Fórum Kisebbségkutató Intézet, Somorja





How to Cite

Hardi, T. and Lampl, Z. (2008) “Transborder Commuting on the Slovakian–Hungarian Border Region”, Tér és Társadalom, 22(3), pp. 109–126. doi: 10.17649/TET.22.3.1188.


