Changes in the Spatial Structures in the Kisalföld during the Process of Middle-Classing




The author tries to discover the changes in the spatial structures in the Kisalföld in the 18-19 centuries. He considers the historical Kisalföld as a spatial structural unit, which is not only an operational instrument for the research but is a functional unit established by real processes formed spatial structure. So this region is not the same with the Kisalföld geographical area, their borders are coincided just partly.

Before the era of the middle-class functional cities and manorial centres that man- aged the relations overreaching the region border also, were the main centres of the spatial structure. At this time Kisalföld was one of the most modern region of the country connecting to the close Wien in many ways and joining in the European economic system. In this era the importance of administrative centres increased and transportation node function (especially railway) created advantageous situation in the city competition. The whole region has developed and strengthened because of railways meanwhile nodes became the centres of this dynamic system. Neverthe- less, the weight of Budapest in Hungary gathered at the same time and its relations extended to this region also, hindering the main cities to obtain national importance.

All this has been reflected in the change of city hierarchy. In the beginning of the 18 century Győr, Pápa, Sopron, Kőszeg were in the head of the hierarchy (centre for trade of wine, cattle and other crops). However for 1990 Sopron, Győr and Szombathely became the most important cities of the region (all of them were administrative centres, meeting points of railways and centres of economic and culture). The region hasn't got a clearly definable centre because the three cities divide their functions and manage them together.

Author Biography

Róbert Győri , MTA RKK Közép- és Észak-magyarországi Tudományos Intézet, Budapest

tudományos segédmunkatárs




How to Cite

Győri, R. (1999) “Changes in the Spatial Structures in the Kisalföld during the Process of Middle-Classing”, Tér és Társadalom, 13(4), pp. 77–106. doi: 10.17649/TET.13.4.544.


