The Possibilities of Interprofessional Cooperation in the Micro-Region of Szolnok in Connection with a Research on Domestic Violence


  • Krisztina Jász MTA RKK Alföldi Tudományos Intézet, Szolnok
  • Tibor Szarvák MTA RKK Alföldi Tudományos Intézet, Szolnok



szakmaközi együttműködések, kistérségi szociális tervezés, családon belüli konfliktusok, társadalmi szerepek


Observing the topic of domestic violence official helpers and reserchers face the following dilemmas: Is there a definition for domestic violence at all which is valid under all sorts of circum- stances? Where are the borders of private sphere? Is there any right for an outsider to intrude domestic affairs although with the acquiescence of one or the other party in many cases? If there is then when and in what way? Do the different behaviours within the category of domestic violence need separate regulation or the present day summary offence regulations and the statements of the Penal Code are suitable? Who is the victim and who is the aggres- sor? Or the latter is a potential victim, too?

We should have to find legal as well as practical solutions in accordance with the constitutional processes.

In 2005, the leadership of the Central Police Department in Szolnok have decided to act against this phenomenon as far as possible although at that time they had no exact knowledge about the measure of the problem. Special regulations against domestic violence did not come into force despite all the debates about this question, that is why the police felt itself alone with the struggle with this phenomenon without any legal weapon.

Author Biographies

Krisztina Jász , MTA RKK Alföldi Tudományos Intézet, Szolnok

tudományos segédmunkatárs

Tibor Szarvák , MTA RKK Alföldi Tudományos Intézet, Szolnok

tudományos segédmunkatárs




How to Cite

Jász, K. and Szarvák, T. (2007) “The Possibilities of Interprofessional Cooperation in the Micro-Region of Szolnok in Connection with a Research on Domestic Violence”, Tér és Társadalom, 21(2), pp. 67–84. doi: 10.17649/TET.21.2.1109.


