Discussion Papers 2002.
Regional Challenges of the Transition in Bulgaria and Hungary 5. p.
This collection of studies has been prepared within the co-operation of the Centre
for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of
Geography of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In the development of twenty-
five years of co-operation, Gesho Geshev (1941-1999) played a crucial role. The
renowned researcher of geography and regional science was deputy director of the
Institute of Demography, BAS from 1991, and director of the Institute of Geogra-
phy, BAS from 1995. Dr. Geshev, who graduated in geography, produced signifi-
cant scientific results in the research areas of regional demography, the develop-
ment of settlement systems, and international regional co-operation. As chairman
of the Bulgarian National Committee of the International Geographical Union, and
as professor of the University of Blagoevgrad, he created the basis for the research
and teaching of regional science in Bulgaria.
With their studies herein, the contributors of this volume pay homage to Profes-
sor Gesho Geshev.