Discussion Papers 2001.
Role of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union
Role of the Regions in the
Enlarging European Union
Edited by
Zoltan GAL
Series editor
Zoltan GAL
Discussion Papers 2001.
Role of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union
© HAS Centre for Regional Studies
This volume includes the lectures of the international conference entitled "Role
of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union" was held between 27 and
29th of May 1999 in Pecs. The conference was organised by the Transdanubian
Research Institute (TRI) of the Centre for Regional Studies (CRS) in co-
operation with the European Centre for Research on Federalism (ECRF) at the
University of Tuebingen, Germany.
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation supported the conference.
ISBN 963 9052 15 9
ISSN 0238-2008
Publishing: HAS Centre for Regional Studies
Type-setting: HAS Centre for Regional Studies
Transdanubian Research Institute, Pecs
Translator: Herczegne Stile Katalin
Technical editor: Csapo Ilona
Printing House: Sumegi Nyomdaipari,
Kereskedelmi es Szolgaltato Kft.
Discussion Papers 2001.
Role of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union
Preface / 5
European Regional Policy and the East-Central European Enlargement / 7
Gyula Horvath
Regions and Regional Policy in Central and South-East Europe / 17
Ivan Illes
Regional Development in the Czech Republic: Taking Historical Development
Into Consideration /25
Eugenie Triitzschler v. Falkenstein
Regional Policy in the Czech Republic / 32
Michaela Brizova
New Polish Regions in the Process of the European Spatial Development /46
Maciej Borsa
Regional Development in the Romanian Border Areas /61
Simona Pascariu
The Role of Regions of the South-Eastern Space in the Enlarging European
Union /81
Gesho Geshev
Local Government in Slovenia (With Special Regard to Regionalisation) / 101
Miha Brejc—Stane Vlaj
Recent Trends in the Russian Regional Policy and Use of the EU Countries'
Experience / 113
Sergey Artobolevskiy
Regional Policy in Ukraine: Challenges of Transition / 124
Serhiy Maksymenko
Political Challenges of Regionalism in Hungary / 137
Ilona Paine Kovacs
Discussion Papers 2001.
Role of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union
Increasing Role of the Regions Within the Hungarian Spatial Structure /146
Laszlo Hrubi
Spatial Planning in the Light of the European Integration / 157
Laszlo Farago
Potential Possibilities of Transborder Co-operation After Hungary's Accession
to the European Union / 172
Zoltan Hajda
From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport / 182
Ferenc Erdosi
Rethinking Regional Governance and Planning / 194
Henk Voogd
Local Governments and "Strategic" Development Strategies: the Issue of
Regional Governance /214
James W. Scott
Contributors /233